Joan Baez這首歌是少數她自己創作的歌曲之一,也被喻為是她個人最偉大的作品。這首歌背後的故事,是她與Bob Dylan(鮑布狄倫)之間亦師亦友的隱密戀情。他們兩人同生於1941年,在60年代以音樂投身反戰運動,互相欣賞對方的才華而相知相惜,然而兩人在1965年即告分手。Joan在1968年結婚而於1972年離婚,Bob則另有所愛,這段落花有意流水無情的緣份終究沒有結果。1975年Joan寫了 Diamonds and Rust,據後人推測是藉以紀錄,或者紀念她與Bob之間的點滴過往。
Diamonds and Rust (Words and Music by Joan Baez)
Well I'll be damned Here comes your ghost again But that's not unusual It's just that the moon is full And you happened to call And here I sit Hand on the telephone Hearing a voice I'd known A couple of light years ago Heading straight for a fall As I remember your eyes Were bluer than robin's eggs My poetry was lousy you said Where are you calling from? A booth in the midwest Ten years ago I bought you some cufflinks You brought me something We both know what memories can bring They bring diamonds and rust Well you burst on the scene Already a legend The unwashed phenomenon The original vagabond You strayed into my arms And there you stayed Temporarily lost at sea The Madonna was yours for free Yes the girl on the half-shell Would keep you unharmed Now I see you standing With brown leaves falling around And snow in your hair Now you're smiling out the window Of that crummy hotel Over Washington Square Our breath comes out white clouds Mingles and hangs in the air Speaking strictly for me We both could have died then and there Now you're telling me You're not nostalgic Then give me another word for it You who are so good with words And at keeping things vague Because I need some of that vagueness now It's all come back too clearly Yes I loved you dearly And if you're offering me diamonds and rust I've already paid
【風中奇緣】是迪士尼第一部由真實歷史改編的長篇劇情動畫片, 女主角是一位印地安公主- Pocahontas,她的傳奇一生在美國是家喻戶曉的故事,迪士尼將這位印第安公主的故事搬上大銀幕,敘述她救了英國的探險家 John Smith ,並且化解了一場異族間的戰爭。本片強調與自然界的融合以及族群間的尊重,結局也一改迪士尼過去快樂團圓的傳統, Pocahontas 選擇了留在家鄉帶領族人, John Smith 則受傷返回英國,留下了一個令人難以釋懷的缺憾。而真實故事中的女主角,卻是真的嫁給了英國人,也跟著回到了倫敦, 但卻英年早逝, (1595~1617)現在的維吉尼亞州的Jamestown據說是她的出生地,當地仍留有她的一作銅雕像,
1995 Disney 風中奇緣播映後當地成為遊客拍照的名勝,而當有許多住民名聲稱是她的後代. 這部卡通在1996的奧斯卡典禮得到了最佳電影音樂獎 最近由真人演出的風中奇緣將由柯林法洛主演軍官史密斯, 而第一次演戲的 15 歲印地安少女奇爾契,則因為身上流有寶佳康達家族血液而雀屏中選演出印地安公主
麥可(勞勃狄尼洛飾)、尼克、史提夫三人是情同手足的三兄弟,但他們三人卻都因為越戰的爆發而被徵召入伍,不料他們三人都成為越共的階下囚,越共不僅把他們囚在水牢中,還要他們進行「俄羅斯輪盤」的遊戲……。在1975年結束的越戰,一直是為美國人心中的傷疤。本片則是美國越戰電影的濫殤,在1978年推出時獲得極大的迴響,並為社會帶來極大的反思。導演麥可西米諾並沒有用大量的篇幅經營戰場上慘烈的狀況;而是用許多日常生活的片段,交織出戰爭前的不安與戰後所承受的陰影,讓本片刻畫的人性更顯深刻。本片在當年榮獲奧斯卡最佳影片、最佳導演、男配角、最佳剪輯與最佳錄音五項大獎,是一部相當值得珍藏的電影 水牢裏越共逼他們賭俄羅斯輪盤,令人記憶猶新 Can't take my eyes off you